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Yapılardaki sorunları çözmek için keşif sonrası testleri ve deprem performans analizi işlemlerini gerçekleştiriyoruz. Hasarlı çıkan yapıların güçlendirme projelerini ileri modelleme teknikleriyle tamamlıyoruz. Ardından, elde edilen sonuçlara göre, konusunda uzman mühendisler ve teknik ekip ile uygulama kısmını da kendi bünyemizde çözümlüyoruz.
Ruhsatlı ve Sigortalı
Profesyonel Ekip
Dürüst & Güvenilir
Karbon Lifli Polimer ile Güçlendirme
In 2020, we made new long-term commitments to sustainable development.
A part of us is left behind at each project we carry out, and this is something that makes us proud.
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
New Pipeline
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
New Branding
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
Oil & Gas
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
New Record
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada
Global Challenges
The construction of the NY Railway Complex strengthened relations between the United States and Canada